Robotic process automation (RPA) is transforming workplaces by automating tedious manual processes to complete tasks faster, eliminate human error, and free your workforce for higher value initiatives. Where are you on your automation journey? And what are your next steps?

Take our RPA readiness assessment, see where your RPA lands, and learn tips for advancement at every stage of maturity. It only takes a few minutes to complete and it could save you months—maybe years—of spinning your wheels.

Robotic Process Automation Assessment

The goal of process review, mapping and assessment is to evaluate the extent of activities suitable for automation and document the end-to-end processes in sufficient detail to build an RPA pilot. As part of this Robotic Process Automation Assessment, we consider what other transformation opportunities are available for eliminating, simplifying and standardizing before, in lieu of or in addition to automating. We facilitate a stakeholder review to prioritize and select candidate processes and develop a Process Definition Document (PDD) to guide the robot development. Lastly, we determine appropriate metrics and measures to assess performance, before and after automation.


  1. Develop Robotic Process Automation Assessment Framework
  2. Conduct a process suitability assessment of core processes
  3. Develop a Process Definition Document (PDD)
  1. Facilitate a stakeholder review to prioritize and select candidate processes
  2. Identify both candidate processes for RPA as well as for other transformation
  3. Determine appropriate metrics and measures

We have helped several clients to conduct RPA assessment and see how they can save operational costs by automating repetitive workflows. Please contact our RPA experts for more information and free assessment.

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